by Marie Burns | Jun 1, 2020 | Estate Planning, Financial Advocate
Are you a list maker? Or do you use them to help you move forward and stay organized, even if you don’t really like making lists? One of the most common To-Dos on our “list” as we get older, whether it is written down or in our head, is the matter of taking action on...
by Marie Burns | May 5, 2020 | Caregiver, Estate Planning
Let’s Turn the Tables… Remember as a child how your parents helped you with anything and everything? From the time you got up in the morning, made your bed, ate some breakfast and started the rest of your day, one or both of your parents probably helped...
by Marie Burns | Apr 6, 2020 | Estate Planning
The decisions we make now will impact us in the future… Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in Place. Social Distancing. COVID-19. Whoever heard of these terms before or even knew what they meant let alone were intentionally living them every day until now!?! None of...
by Marie Burns | Mar 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
… creating better personal finance habits! What good habits do we have, or wish we had? In business or our personal lives, a majority of our daily actions are actually completed out of habit without giving them much thought: our morning routine, our drive to work, our...
by Marie Burns | Feb 4, 2020 | Estate Planning
Remember as a kid being asked “What are the Magic Words?” You were probably being reminded by a parent, teacher or grandparent to remember your manners and say “please” or “thank you” right? Or now that we are in February (how did that happen already!?!), you might...
by Marie Burns | Jan 7, 2020 | Estate Planning, Financial Advocate
Make this the Year You Get Your Financial House in Order I love New Year’s Resolution time of year not because of the goal setting, but because it gets us thinking about the results we are seeking. Once you know what outcome you want, your best success comes in...
by Marie Burns | Dec 3, 2019 | Estate Planning, Financial Advocate
Comfort NOT confusion… Do you love the holidays like I do? Or do you feel more like Scrooge (like my husband pretends to be)? If it’s not “Bah humbug”, then what is it that brings you joy? Lights, music, food, festivities, gifts, baking, gatherings, decorations,...
by Marie Burns | Nov 12, 2019 | Financial Advocate
An attitude of gratitude In grade school we learned that Thanksgiving originally started as a feast to celebrate a harvest. But did you know that we have Abraham Lincoln to thank for making Thanksgiving a federal holiday in 1863? Lincoln proclaimed the fourth Thursday...
by Marie Burns | Sep 10, 2019 | Estate Planning, Financial Advocate
Mind, Money, Motion…where to start? We all have something we know we want or need to improve in our lives. The hard part is either getting motivated to make that change or identifying specifically what to change (and sticking with it) or both. A friend of mine from...
by Marie Burns | Aug 19, 2019 | Estate Planning, Financial Advocate
What is the one thing everyone wants in life? No matter where you live, what your situation is, or exactly how you describe your answer, we all have the same goal…happiness. Your definition of happiness is where we will each differ. Some definitions are related to...
by Marie Burns | Jul 30, 2019 | Estate Planning
Happy Summertime and congratulations to all the students that graduated and advanced! In the spirit of helping graduates get started on the right foot in life, please accept a gift of personal finance knowledge to you and your family and the other young people in your...
by Marie Burns | Jun 5, 2019 | Estate Planning
June 2019 – Are you ready for a stress-free vacation season this summer? To be truly stress-free, you need to consider the Must-Dos of estate planning before you go. I jokingly (but not really) tell my financial planning clients to book a trip on the...