Do not let this happen to you!

by | Jul 30, 2019

Happy Summertime and congratulations to all the students that graduated and advanced!

In the spirit of helping graduates get started on the right foot in life, please accept a gift of personal finance knowledge to you and your family and the other young people in your world.

Research tells us that so many young, middle aged and older people know they need ‘financial knowledge’ but aren’t sure what it is or where to get it. This is a big part of the reason why many people are on the verge of running out of money before their life expectancy, have increasing consumer debt, and that more than 120 million adults in America don’t have an up-to-date financial, estate and gift plan to protect themselves and their families.

EVERYONE needs to be financially literate and empowered to make sound everyday money decisions. If not, the probability of reaching and maintaining your personal and family financial dreams, and living out a debt-free, financially secure future is quite small!

Without this empowerment, many people become a burden on family and friends, employers, local nonprofits and the ultimate safety net of the local, state and federal government.

Do not let this happen to you!

A complementary gift from The Financial Awareness Foundation includes a set of very special empowerment tools, designed to assist you and your family to make better – informed – lifelong – money decisions, and to use and work with financial service advisors & financial product providers to get the best results from your time & money.

And in the spirit of improving financial awareness and financial literacy you are welcome to share these materials with family and friends and your associates to help them improve their financial lifestyles.

To learn more about The Foundation and to save/print your gift of free books that includes a guidebook, forms, and an organizer, checkout my Resources tab at or visit the homepage of

Enjoy your summer and be sure to share the knowledge!

Marie Burns is a Certified Financial Planner™, Speaker and Author of the bestselling Financial Checklist books.