Is Your “Who Get’s What” In Writing?

Is Your “Who Get’s What” In Writing?

Have you ever had a goal you couldn’t seem to get accomplished but then when there was a special event added to the calendar, it somehow got done? Losing weight before a wedding, completing a home project before company comes to stay, or finishing a gift before the...
Gathering Our Family Around Us

Gathering Our Family Around Us

“Just like we often have our family around us at the dinner table, Thanksgiving and other holidays, or in times of need, we also should think about having a financial family around us too.” Talking around the dinner table as a young girl is where I heard...
It’s Your Turn

It’s Your Turn

Let’s Turn the Tables… Remember as a child how your parents helped you with anything and everything? From the time you got up in the morning, made your bed, ate some breakfast and started the rest of your day, one or both of your parents probably helped...
A Month to Remember

A Month to Remember

The decisions we make now will impact us in the future… Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in Place. Social Distancing. COVID-19. Whoever heard of these terms before or even knew what they meant let alone were intentionally living them every day until now!?! None of...
The Month of Magic Words

The Month of Magic Words

Remember as a kid being asked “What are the Magic Words?” You were probably being reminded by a parent, teacher or grandparent to remember your manners and say “please” or “thank you” right? Or now that we are in February (how did that happen already!?!), you might...
A Time for a Positive Focus

A Time for a Positive Focus

An attitude of gratitude In grade school we learned that Thanksgiving originally started as a feast to celebrate a harvest. But did you know that we have Abraham Lincoln to thank for making Thanksgiving a federal holiday in 1863? Lincoln proclaimed the fourth Thursday...