A New Kind of Exercise: For Your Money Muscles

A New Kind of Exercise: For Your Money Muscles

Oh, if we had only known then what we know now! We can say that about many things in life. August is Wellness Month so I want to share some thoughts on exercising your money muscles and a challenge for you about financial wellness. It’s a topic we have yet to embrace...
Finding Financial Harmony

Finding Financial Harmony

Wedding Season In my mind, Spring marks the beginning of wedding season. Although realistically I know weddings can be any month of the year. I remember in 2020, I was talking to a wedding venue owner here in Arizona and asking how he could possibly reschedule 67...
Whatever Happened to Grandma Hats?

Whatever Happened to Grandma Hats?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like I see women wearing hats much anymore. As a child, we once lived with my grandmother for about six months while our house was being built and my favorite thing to do was play in her hat closet. Grandma’s Hats After she...