Get Your Docs in a Row | Make This the Year You Get Your Financial House in Order
I love New Year’s Resolution time of year not because of the goal setting but because it gets us thinking about the results we seek. Once you know...
If I’m Not Working, Am I Really Worth Anything?
I actually heard a woman say this on a podcast I was listening to. "If I'm not working, am I really worth anything?" My reaction? Out loud, I...
The NOT Bucket List: Do You Have One?
Don’t look now, but the year is about to end, and we will be in New Year’s Resolution time again before you know it. That means it will be time to...
Alone But Not Lonely, Why It’s So Important
I need to get better at writing down the sources of my favorite phrases and sayings (I have a notebook for those). Recently, I read (and did not...
Retirement: Turn Your Worry List Into a To-Do List
We may spend up to a third of our life in retirement. It’s been said that we are currently in a retirement tsunami (10,000 baby boomers retiring...
Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk
Role reversal, whether it is as a parent/child or even grandparent/grandchild, never quite feels right. Becoming the “let me help you” person in the...
Have You Had Your Wake-Up Call Yet? Why You Should Do Your Estate Planning Now
When staying in a hotel/motel, when did we transition from having an actual person call your room in the morning as your courtesy wake-up call to...
What Type of Financial Couple Are You?
Have you ever felt guilty or frustrated with your lack of comfort with money? Or wish you felt more knowledgeable or confident when making financial...
Widowhood Stories: What Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong and Has Gone Wrong
One of my biggest lessons learned in the work world, when I first started working in finance, was that just because you did everything right, the...
How to Help Grandkids Headed Back to School
As summer winds down and families gear up for the back-to-school season, it’s a perfect time to equip our grandkids with essential skills for a...
Making Thoughtful Summer Purchases: Does it Make Sense?
Remember this picture? I took it in the summer of 2023 when we were traveling in Wisconsin (and I actually wrote a blog around it too). I still...
5 Visuals to Improve Your Health
I am sure you have heard many of these statements: What you think about, you bring about. Where your mind goes, so goes your life. If you see it,...
Do You Have “I Wish I Would Have…” Regrets?
Are you a list maker? Or do you use them to help you move forward and stay organized? One of the most common To Dos on our “list” as we get older,...
Here’s Why You Need Financial Education – ASAP!
I read some mind-boggling stats from the Social Security Administration the other day: Out of 100 people, by retirement, 1 will be wealthy, 4 will...
The Solo Journey Challenge
By choice or otherwise, 90% of us women will be left solely in charge of our household finances. Whether you become suddenly single through divorce...
How can you get your mind and money in motion?
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