Do You Have a Financial Housekeeper?
This picture is from high school, many moons ago, when I played the character of Pauline, the housekeeper, in the play No, No, Nanette! I would...
What’s For Dinner?
Sorry, if you started reading in order to pick up some recipes or meal ideas, I may have misled you. But now that I have your attention, are you...
I Am Not My Body, Are You?
National Nutrition Month Even though I was a Registered Dietitian over two decades ago, I still remember that March is National Nutrition Month....
The Gift Women Really Need
Beyond Valentine’s Day When I shared the first draft of my financial checklist book with a publisher years ago, his reaction surprised me. “This is...
Love Your Family Even After You’re Gone
In this month of “love” I think it’s appropriate to share a blog from Pastor Jack, from Avondale Baptist Church in Arizona. He wrote a blog for his...
Grandma School Part 3: Seeing Life Through the Eyes of a Child
To wrap up the grandma school series, but also kick off the new year, Dr. Jill has some final fun experiences to share for those of us with young...
“Planuary” A Better Approach to the New Year?
Are you sick of it yet… all the tips and tricks for making New Year’s Resolutions? And at the same time, all of the depressing stats on how quickly...
Part 2 – Grandma School: Teaching What Schools Cannot
What better time than the holidays, when hopefully we are seeing our grandchildren even more, to continue our focus on maximizing our playtime with...
Christmas Tea and Other Holiday Traditions
As you can see, I wore another one of my grandmother’s hats to our annual Christmas Tea for the women at my church this year. I’m not an expert but...
Suddenly Single Over The Holidays: A Difficult Time To Make Good Cheer
As the holiday season approaches, I often think about those who are Suddenly Single – and have recently experienced life-altering events such as...
Grandma School: The Impact of Grandma Time
Children Learn Through Play As a grandma, or an aunt, or a grandma figure to someone else’s children, you may already be aware that child play is...
“Stop Talking Like That, Grandma!”
I don’t remember what age it started, but, at one point, the grandma I visited the most started ending each visit, phone conversation or otherwise,...
What Advice Would You Give to Your 20-Year-Old Self?
This year, our daughter got us started on writing the answers to some questions about our lives through a program called “Storyworth.” I know there...
Morning Coffee: And Other Empty Nester Opportunities
“Don’t let the door hit you in the #@!& (rear end)!” This was the comment one father made to me when sharing that his son was graduating from...
A New Kind of Exercise: For Your Money Muscles
Oh, if we had only known then what we know now! We can say that about many things in life. August is Wellness Month so I want to share some thoughts...
How can you get your mind and money in motion?
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