How is Your Positive Intelligence?
IQ, EQ, PQ You have likely heard of IQ (Intelligence Quotient, a test measuring intelligence relative to others) or EQ (Emotional Quotient, a...
The Magic (Pass)words: It’s Not About Knowing, It’s About Doing
Passwords Here, There and Everywhere! How many passwords do you have to keep track of? Have you ever counted them? I stopped counting after I hit...
Four Things I Learned About the Word “Widow”
I wish we had a different word to use here in the United States for our “status” after we lose a spouse other than the word “Widow.” It’s the only...
Do You Have “Enjoy Life” on Your Checklist?
Checklists are more powerful than you might think. Research is definitely convincing on the merits of using checklists. They help you focus and...
It Happens to All of Us, But Most of Us Don’t Plan For It
What are the odds of getting hit by a bus? 1 in 495,000. Not happening to me, right? But what are the odds that you’re going to die someday?...
How to Guarantee Your Best First Impression
When I first started public speaking, part of my training was the constant reminder that you only have 30 seconds to make a positive impression and...
What Does Breathing Have to Do with Money?
“Take a deep breath!” That was probably a common phrase that was used when we were younger if we were upset about something. Or we might have been...
The Gift of Being Financially Organized
The Gift of Being Financially Organized
Gathering Our Family Around Us
"Just like we often have our family around us at the dinner table, Thanksgiving and other holidays, or in times of need, we also should think about...
Who Gets What When You’re Gone?
The sooner you communicate your wishes, the less stress and potentially broken relationships there will be in the end. When one of my nieces was...
Are You Expecting Your Man to Be Your Financial Plan?
What does money mean to you? If you had to choose one word to describe what money means to you, what would that word be? Survival, security, love,...
Three Ways to Leave a Legacy, Not a Mess!
When we hear the term “legacy” we often think of leaving millions of dollars to heirs, so most of us decide “well, that sure doesn’t apply to me!”...
“To Each His Own”
A Frustrating Requirement You Need to Understand We head to the pantry this month in our Financial Open House tour, and if you are like me, you have...
What’s in a Name?
Be sure yours is correct! Let’s talk about your name. You may love your name, or think it’s just okay, or wish you had a different name, and these...
I Wish I Would Have…
Are you a list maker? Or do you use them to help you move forward and stay organized, even if you don’t really like making lists? One of the most...
How can you get your mind and money in motion?
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