It’s Your Turn

It’s Your Turn

Let’s Turn the Tables… Remember as a child how your parents helped you with anything and everything? From the time you got up in the morning, made your bed, ate some breakfast and started the rest of your day, one or both of your parents probably helped...
A Month to Remember

A Month to Remember

The decisions we make now will impact us in the future… Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in Place. Social Distancing. COVID-19. Whoever heard of these terms before or even knew what they meant let alone were intentionally living them every day until now!?! None of...
One Small Step for Wo/man, One Giant Leap for…

One Small Step for Wo/man, One Giant Leap for…

… creating better personal finance habits! What good habits do we have, or wish we had? In business or our personal lives, a majority of our daily actions are actually completed out of habit without giving them much thought: our morning routine, our drive to work, our...