Money Remodel Tips AFTER Marriage

Money Remodel Tips AFTER Marriage

A Fairy Tale Once upon a time…she kissed the frog who turned into a prince…and they lived happily ever after! Is that how your marriage story went or is going? Mine neither! Although I do have to say that after 37 years, my husband and I feel less stressed, happier,...
Have You Told Your Assets Where to Go?

Have You Told Your Assets Where to Go?

Best Seller Advice Begin with the end in mind. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey was written over 15 years ago but is still a best seller for good reason. His timeless advice is applicable across many aspects of our lives, business or...
The Gift of Being Financially Organized

The Gift of Being Financially Organized

Put Yourself On the “Nice List” This Year What is a favorite memory you have of holiday time as a child? Maybe it was related to an event or activity rather than a gift. Or perhaps you have smells or sounds that come to mind when you think of the holidays. I remember...
I Wish I Would Have…

I Wish I Would Have…

Are you a list maker? Or do you use them to help you move forward and stay organized, even if you don’t really like making lists? One of the most common To-Dos on our “list” as we get older, whether it is written down or in our head, is the matter of taking action on...