The Rainbow Really Does Lead to the Pot of Gold!
The whole premise of my education business, Mind Money Motion, is that the more we take care of our mind and body, the less we have to worry...
Before You Go…Don’t Forget Your Pets!
Making arrangements for your home or apartment before leaving for a vacation can feel like a daunting task when you think about all that needs to be...
Before You Go…Ask Yourself if You Are REALLY Ready
Summer Travels Are you ready for some stress-free summer travels? What favorite summer vacations do you remember from childhood? Any “trips to...
What advice would you give to your Graduating Grandchildren?
The Busy Summer Months We always think holiday time in November and December is so busy, but if you are a parent or grandparent, have you ever...
The Financial Freebie Frenzy
A Tongue Twister Have you tried a tongue twister in a while? Try saying “financial freebie frenzy” three times fast! I am referring to all of the...
An Epidemic of Another Kind: Financial Illiteracy
Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in Place. Social Distancing. COVID-19. Who heard of these terms before or even knew what they meant let alone were...
Do You Know Your Worth?
What kind of a question is that? I actually hate that question. My first impression is that it is implying my worth as a human being, a valuable...
Money Remodel Tips AFTER Marriage
A Fairy Tale Once upon a time…she kissed the frog who turned into a prince…and they lived happily ever after! Is that how your marriage story went...
Avoid These 3 Common Estate Planning Mistakes
We humans have an understandable tendency to take action on things that are important to us in the moment. And until we have something happen in our...
Top 3 Money Remodel Tips BEFORE Marriage
Money: Too Often a Red Flag for Couples Call it money issues, financial trouble, money stress, or financial disagreements, they are all red flags in...
How about a Money Remodel?
New year, new start, new way to do something, an opportunity to new improve your life…at least that’s how we often start the new year, right? Take...
The Gawk Factor: How to Use it to Your Advantage
New Year’s Resolution Time Now that we are in the month of New Year’s resolutions, we often have changes on our minds. We all have something we know...
Working with the Experts: Dos and Don’ts
Whether you are in need of a new mechanic, dentist, or hairdresser, your main priority is to find someone you can trust to meet your needs...
What’s a Girl to Do? Financial Planning Considerations for Single Women
The Numbers Life is full of surprises, changes, and adventures we often never dreamed would happen. These events are not always happy times but...
Is it Time to Declutter Your Finances?
Keep it Simple You may have heard the acronym K.I.S.S. which stands for Keep It Super Simple (or is it Keep It Simple Stupid?). Simplifying,...
How can you get your mind and money in motion?
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